Attention Parents. Is your child a Future Chef?

Applications are now being accepted for enrollment in the Future Chefs Foundation.
Candidates must be between the ages of 8 to 10 years old. Accepted candidates will receive grocery store gift certificates, an assortment of cookbooks and access to cooking shows presented by master chefs. To apply, please email the proposed candidate’s recommended shopping list for 50.00 in groceries along with a recipe for a cost conscious economical meal for a family of four to  The name of the proposed candidate is not needed for this initial application.


What We Do

Our goal is to Introduce 8-10 Year Old Kids to the Culinary Arts Through Mentoring by Chefs.

Selected groups of kids will be invited to watch participating Chefs prepare budget meals.

Familial Benefits

Families will be shown how to eat healthier while at the same time staying within a budget.

Homemade potato chips for a family of 4 can be as little as .40 cents. While a family size bag can cost as much as 7.00

There are many other examples that will demonstrated by the Chefs.

How To Help

Join Our Community

Your generous donation helps the Future Chefs Foundation mentor youth through cooking. It is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to Our Generous Sponsors